What was in the garden this year

Here are some pictures of the crops that were in our newly fenced garden this year.

Acorn Squash, Harvested over 50 Acorn Squash
Blueberries, These need another year to grow
Cantaloupe, Really Tasty but have to keep on top of their ripeness, goes from not ripe to mushy quickly
Carrots,, Definitely a winner in raised beds, do more next year
Catnip, in a pot buried in ground to keep from spreading
Comfrey, used as a chop and drop plant to fertilize other parts of the garden
Cucumbers, didn’t get a lot of cucumbers, not enough bees out early in the year
Dill for Dill pickles
Eggplant, Asian and European Varieties
Sculpture for flowering plants
Hard neck garlic, plant more more more this fall
Herbs, Basil, Oregano, Lemon Balm, Thyme, Sage. Need to plant less basil and have it be by itself, and also plant Basil again in fall
Jalepeno, plant more of these
Kale, Just the right amount, did really well
Lettuce, Bibb
Lavage, Perennial plant with flavors like celery, Needs another year to take hold
Mint, For teas and mint julep
Red Onions, Never enough of these
Melons and Pumpkins outside Garden Fence, Did not work, Animals got them
Potatoes outside Garden, These grew well but did not produce as well as potatoes inside garden fence
Pole Beans, Good amount, but maybe plant again in summer to get second crop
Potatoes, Good Harvest
Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Planted way too many
Strawberry, Taking over the Hugelkultur mound
Sunflowers, outside the garden, deer ate alot of these
Sweet potato
Indeterminate cherry tomato and Determinate Roma tomato held up with string weave
Watermelon, Harvested about 12 melons
Zucchini on the Hugelkulture mount

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