By Tracee
We purchased our property in February 2017, selected a builder and began working with an architect in March 2017, and began the process of planning our Net Zero, Passive home. One of our biggest challenges was to create a team around the objective of building a passive house. Building a passive home requires a custom builder not because it’s a luxurious house, but because it’s not common practice to make one. So, for various reasons, the summer was challenging and our construction date was pushed out.
BUT I’m happy to report that construction has started! It started the day after Thanksgiving 2017. The basement was dug, the footings and foundation walls poured, the driveway started and septic pump installed.

Construction will continue through the winter and our builders are getting creative with phasing it in a way that optimizes the work as it continues to get colder. Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts a colder than average winter, so take the May 11th finish date with a huge grain of salt!
This is very exciting!!!!
Are you keeping the bigger chunks of limestones for future projects?
It’s very likely that we will need to make some outdoor stairs near and around the south-facing plateau in front of the house. They will come in handy for that need!