By Matt
While any house build is an arduous journey we had the added complication of wondering if we would meet our energy efficiency goals. However, we are glad to report that Vetting Wolf Homestead House build has been completed. Early this October we started moving stuff from a temporary storage locker into our new home. While its still to early to tell, our energy efficient house (hopefully Net-Zero in the future by way of solar panels) has been performing well in the shoulder month of October. Several nights last week had lows around freezing, but the house held comfortable temperatures without added heat from the minisplits. At night the house got down to around 68 degrees, with the bedrooms 1-2 degrees lower, while in the afternoon after a day of sun exposure the temperature climed to 73 degrees. Only time will tell if all this will work when we experience a Minnesota deep deep freeze. We will have more posts on the performance of the House and its individual components as we settle in and enjoy our new abode but here are some photos of the final build (We are still working on the landscaping).